A personal Moon Story by Moonglow Fan and loving Mom, Katrina Chartrand. @chartrand1331
Moonglow Fan, Katrina lives with her husband and cute cat in Montreal, Quebec.
Recently Katrina received a very special gift from her husband. He gifted her our Yin and Yang Taijitu Necklace. On the card reads, "To remember our Baby Girls; Angela and Amelia"

If you ask Katrina, Angela would have been like her and Amelia like her father. Katrina lost both of her twin fraternal daughters not too long ago. Although Katrina does not get to hold or look at her baby girls, she can wear and remember them forever when she wears her Moonglow Necklace.

Katrina, we know you and your family have experienced a hardship, heartbreaking beyond words, and want to send our love and deepest condolences. We hope that by purchasing and wearing your Moonglow Jewelry you'll keep the memories of your girls close.
Thank you for sharing your personal Moonglow Story with us. Thank you for being part of our Moonglow Jewelry Family and again we send out some extra moon beams of love your way as we write this.
Love, Hope and Happiness to your Family.
If you love or have 2 Moon Moments you want Remember Forever shop the Midnight Taijitu today!