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A Spring Garden (Indoors) – 5 Beginner Friendly Plants for Gardening at Home

Spring is a perfect time to start gardening at home and in this guide, you’ll find a little bit of everything for your daily life. We even included some tips for planting by the moon’s phases for optimal growth and include best times in the lunar cycle for establishing a new member to your (indoor) garden.

Starting from seed can be tricky, so we suggest purchasing small plants and helping them along as they grow!

Eat: From Home to Table

The best part of gardening is when you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour (pun intended).

Beginner’s Choice: Grocery store potatoes or “Seed Potatoes”

Now, you’ve probably started the process of growing potatoes at home by accident, if you’ve ever forgotten about them and then discovered growth from little eyes around the potato that is the first step and it just goes to show how easy it is to grow them!

Planting: Leave a few potatoes near a window for a couple of days until you see some eyes appearing. Cut them in half, length ways, submerge half the potato in water, while using four toothpicks to hold them in place. Wait for roots to grow, changing the water if it gets cloudy. You can find specialized pots that are for potatoes or use a big pot. Fill the bottom with rocks and about a third with potting soil.

During the waning of the moon (from the day after it’s full to the day it’s new) add your rooted potatoes, about 6 inches apart. Cover with soil and keep the soil moist. As your plant grows continue adding soil.  

Light: No need for full sun but about 6 hours a day is ideal!

Water: You won’t have to water frequently, just keep the soil moist checking about twice a week.

Harvest: When the leaves turn yellow it’s almost time to harvest, wait about a week and then you’re ready to dig out your spuds. Let them rest in a cool dark place for a few weeks before adding them to the menu.

Beginner’s Choice: Common Chives

Containing high amounts of vitamin C and being a good source of Calcium, chives can be added to pastas, baked potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, anything you’d like.

Planting: First week of the lunar month (first quarter or waxing). Use a clay pot with a drainage hole and regular potting mix for best results.

Light: About 4-6 hours daily, which means you don’t need the brightest spot to help your chives thrive.

Water: Avoiding the greenery, keep the soil moist but not wet.

Harvest: Using a sharp knife or sheers, cut a few stalks at the base.

Drink: Cocktails and Mocktails and Sangria, Oh My!

When it comes to cocktails and beautiful beverages, Mentha (Mint genus) is versatile, fresh and delicious. Modern gardening has brought us lots of different varieties (like pineapple, strawberry, and even chocolate mint!).

Beginner’s Choice: Spearmint

Planting: During the waxing of the moon, (from a new moon to when it is full) to help the roots establish themselves. Plant in a pot with good drainage and for soil, use a potting mix.

Light: From a nice sunny spot to partial shade, it’s not too picky on its sun requirements. The rule is the more sun, the more you have to pay attention to water. Every once in a while, rotate your pot to keep the leaves even and to avoid leaning.

Water: Keep the soil moist but not wet, stick your finger into the soil, if it’s dry then give it a good drink!

Harvest: Pluck leaves right off the plant as needed. If you see flowers, pinch those off to extend the life of your leaves.

**Note** Keep your mint in a pot, it’s an ambitious (read: invasive) plant that if allowed to roam the garden will soon spread.

Sleep: Lull Yourself Into Slumber 

Sometimes introduced as the queen of medicinal plants – Lavender – has a multitude of benefits that have been well studied; including producing calming feelings and helping you obtain a good night’s rest.

Beginner’s Choice: French Lavender

Planting: During the full moon phase (from the full moon to the third quarter) is when you want to set up your lavender. Choose a pot that is only slightly bigger than the root ball with good drainage (terracotta is great) and soil that is fast draining. You can even add some rocks and sand.

Light: Lots of light! As a Mediterranean plant, lavender has the most fun in the sun, and enjoys the heat.

Water: Every once in a while, they do just fine if you forget to water them for a bit. Check your soil, and once it’s dry about an inch deep, give it a nice good drink and always let it dry between watering.

Design: A Living Home Décor Piece

Coming in all shapes and sizes, a botanical piece could be exactly what you’re looking for to brighten up your space. To add a beautiful element with structure and character look no further than Sanseveria.

Beginner’s Choice: Snake Plant   

Planting: Prepare your snake plant for its new home during the waning of the moon, with potting soil or a cactus mix, in a well-draining pot.

Light: Low light to indirect bright light.

Water: You don’t need to water frequently, once a month is adequate to ensure a healthy, happy plant.

And what pairs perfectly with a little home gardening? We think it’s the Lunar Blossom Necklace. If you’re going to be a gardener, having the moon with you will help you succeed in all your green thumb endeavours.


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